Privacy and cookies

Golden Story

Secured with SSL certificate

Secure uses a secure https connection. Thanks to the SSL certificate, all traffic to and from the website is automatically encrypted.


To guarantee and follow up the proper functioning of the Golden Story website, we need cookies. Cookies are small pieces of text that are stored on your device during the visit of Below you can read which cookies are active on this website.

WebsiteFunctionalPHPSESSIDRemembers eg. that you are logged in or what is in your shopping basket.
Google AnalyticsAnalysis_ga, _gid, _gatStatistics

Functional cookies

Used only during visit

Certain cookies, such as a "session cookie", are used on the website to enable services such as keeping a shopping basket or remembering a choice. This session cookie disappears when the browser window is closed and does not collect any personal data.


Do not store personal information

In order to improve our website, we would like to know how is being visited and used. We rely on the privacy-friendly statistics of Fathom Analytics. These statistics are fully in accordance with the GDPR, do not collect any personal data and do not store a cookie.

Tracking cookies

Permission based

With tracking cookies we can measure whether the visitor has viewed a specific service or website and tailor content such as advertisements using Facebook Ads or Google Adwords for example. Tracking cookies are not enabled by default. They are only active if you continue browsing or if you accept all cookies in the cookie bar at the bottom.

Change your permission?

Sure! You need to clear the browsing data in your browser. Afterwards you will again see the bar on the website where you can give your consent or refuse.

Google Chrome Ctrl+Shift+Del

Microsoft Edge Ctrl+Shift+Del

Firefox Ctrl+Shift+Del

Safari Command+Option+E

Embedded map

OpenStreetMap and LeafletJS

The embedded map does not use a cookie.

Remove or disable cookies

You can remove or disable cookies in the settings of any modern browser. The website will still be accessible, but without functional cookies, not all services may work. For example, to log in to a secure page or to place an item in a shopping basket, we need these functional cookies.